The following table contains special errors that Vault API might return.

Error codes

Error code Description HTTP Status Code
ValidationException Invalid arguments were provided 400 Bad Request
AuthenticationException You are not authenticated to perform this operation. 401 Unauthorized
InsufficientPermissionException You are not authorized to perform this action 403 Forbidden
NotFoundException Requested resource was not found 404 Not Found
UniquenessViolationException The entity you tried to create already exists 409 Conflict
InvalidObjectStateException The operation is not valid for the current state of the object 400 Bad Request
InternalServerException Unexpected server error occurred 500 Internal Server Error
    This error might occur for the following reasons:
  • The request arguments are not valid
  • The argument were incomplete or in the wrong format
400 Bad Request
AmbiguousGuaranteeFileException Guarantee Text and Guarantee Files can not be provided both in the same request 400 Bad Request
InvalidGuaranteeStateException The Guarantee status is not eligible to complete the action 400 Bad Request
InvalidRequestStateException The Post Issuance request status is not eligible to complete the action 400 Bad Request
InvalidWordingTypeException Invalid participant was used while creating the Guarantee Request 400 Bad Request
InvalidGuaranteeParticipantException The Guarantee Type is not compatible with the Guarantee Request 400 Bad Request
MissingConnectionRequestException There is no connection request established between Obligor and Guarantor 400 Bad Request
MissingDetailsInfoException Amendment Details info section can't be empty 400 Bad Request
    Invalid amount has been used for amendment:
  • Nominal amount can't be decreased by a value greater or equal to the issued amount
  • Contract amount can't be decreased by a value greater or equal to the issued amount
400 Bad Request
NoChangesException At least one Guarantee field should be changed 400 Bad Request
UnsupportedLanguageException Unsupported language code provided. The language should be ISO 3166-2 compliant 400 Bad Request
IssuanceAlreadyExistsException The issuance has been already created 409 Conflict
MissingGuaranteeFileException No guarantee file was provided 400 Bad Request
UnsupportedRequestTypeException Specified request type is not supported 400 Bad Request
ConnectionAlreadyExists Connection between your company and specified Guarantor already exists 409 Conflict
ConnectionNotFoundException Requested connection does not exist 404 Not Found
InvalidConnectionStateException Connection status is not eligible to perform the action 400 Bad Request
InvalidContactException Invalid contact was used in the 'from' or 'to' clause 400 Bad Request
MissingCustomerIdException Provide Customer Id before accepting the connection 400 Bad Request Bad Request
ClientAlreadyExistsException Client with the same clientId already exists 409 Conflict
CompanyAlreadyExists Company with the same legal name already exists 409 Conflict
CompanyNotFoundException Specified company does not exist 404 Not Found
ContactNotFoundException Specified contact does not exist 404 Not Found
InvalidCompanyStateException The Company status is not eligible to complete the action 400 Bad Request Bad Request
InvalidCompanyTypeException Specified company type is not a Head Office or Business Unit 400 Bad Request Bad Request
TokenExpiredException Access Token has expired 401 Unauthorized
InvalidAuthorizedUnitsException Invalid authorized units were provided 400 Bad Request
InvalidRolesException Invalid roles were provided 400 Bad Request
InvalidUserStateException The User status is not eligible to complete the action 400 Bad Request
UserAlreadyExists User with the same username already exists 400 Bad Request
UserNotFoundException The specified user does not exist 404 Not Found
UserSortingException Trying to sort by an inaccessible field 400 Bad Request
AlreadyAcknowledgedNotificationException Notification has been acknowledged already 409 Conflict
AttachmentAvValidationException An infected attachment was provided 400 Bad Request
InvalidInstrumentTypeException Invalid instrument type was provided 400 Bad Request
IncompleteIssuanceDataException Incomplete issuance data was provided 400 Bad Request
InvalidCorporateGuaranteeIssuerException Participant does not have Corporate Guarantees enabled 400 Bad Request
UnsupportedFormOfInstrumentException Unsupported form of instrument was provided 400 Bad Request
InvalidDeliveryTypeException Invalid delivery type provided 400 Bad Request
InvalidConfirmationIndicatorException Invalid confirmation indicator provided 400 Bad Request
CertificateOfAuthenticityException The Certificate of Authenticity can not be built 500 Internal Server Error